Hong Kong - Rm606, 6/f, fashion centre, 51 53 wing hong street, cheung sha wan, kowloon, hong kong
852 35896161
Taipai - No.19, ln.331, longjiang rd.,zhongshandist.,taipei city 1047, taiwan
886 2 25060089
GuangZhou - 廣州市花都區花東鎮聯群新村,海宇倉庫(轉駿高)
+86 13711284429
Osaka - Dsfop, 4 1 7 honden, nishi ku osaka shi, osaka, 550 0022, japan
+81 06 6616 9082
Incheon - 66 2, hanseo ro, seo gu, incheon
032 563 3701~3
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